A Cheap and Easy Sourdough Starter with Yogurt Whey

Making sourdough bread or yogurt feels like a science experiment with God.

When I set up a welcoming environment, God makes it happen. Making sourdough or yogurt turns into a kitchen miracle when using the marvelous bacteria He created.

In my latest post, I show you how to make a sourdough starter using yogurt whey to give it a fantastic kickstart. However, you may wonder why you should make it yourself when it's readily available.

How to obtain a sourdough starter:

  1. Get it from a friendly home baker.
  2. Buy it from "our favorite flour company."
  3. Purchase freeze-dried starter online.

So why make a sourdough starter?

  1. It only takes a week or two.
  2. With my method, you don't have to use a lot of expensive flour.
  3. If you don't have time or have lost the inclination to use it, it's not a significant investment down the drain.
  4. It's almost as satisfying as sharing your fabulous homemade bread.

Don't worry. Your bread isn't going to taste like yogurt. You will only add whey the first time you mix your starter (so you don't need much). After that, it will be flour and water all the way.

From your friend with a sourdough obsession (made with a bread machine, of course),


p.s. My neighbors recently convinced me to start selling my sourdough bread. If you are close enough to pick it up from my house (DFW area in Texas), email or ask me for details.

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